Printers often go wrong particularly at that crucial time you need to print out your crucial work document or boarding pass. There are 2 types of printer. Inkjet printers use cartridges or ink tanks. Lasers use toners similar to copiers.
The cost of producing a printed copy is lower with laser printers but the toners cost more up front. Each toner produces more copies than an ink cartridge.
Inkjet printers are harder to repair as they are not designed to be dismantled. The main issue with inkjets is the ink drying out. This can happen in the small tubes that lead from the print cartridges to get the print onto the page. Or it can be a cartridge that dries out. This often happens when few or no prints are done over a period of time. Replacing the cartridges is the first thing to try when this happens. If this does not resolve the problem, sometimes the ink can be washed through if the ink has dried in the tubes. The cost of either of these solutions can be more than the purchase of a replacement printer. Many times it is uneconomic to try any of these.
Laser printers are designed to be repaired more easily and are not prone to the same issues of drying out, but the higher upfront cost of the devices and of the toners often mean these are used solely in business settings.
If you need assistance with your printer please contact us today.